Boost Your Business With Outsourced Software

By AnnaPosted on Fri, October 1, 2021

Outsourced software

Outsource IT

Rising labor costs as well as difficulties concerning on-boarding of highly skilled employees encourage companies with tight budget to seek external software development outsourcing partner to handle their software. As software outsourcing companies have been gaining popularity, on the market we can find a lot of businesses which offer high performing remote teams of specialist able to deliver top quality software to partners all over the world.

Outsourcing software development brings a lot of benefits from which the most vital are:

  • reduction of expenses;
  • improvement of efficiency and speeding up operational processes;
  • co-operation with top-notch specialists with hands-on experience in IT industry.

How Does Software Engineering Outsourcing Work?

In a contemporary world, it is very hard to imagine a world without technology. An extremely dynamic IT industry provides modern software solutions that accompany us every day, facilitating and improving our functioning. Clearly, the possibilities offered by contemporary systems are also, and perhaps especially, used in business. One could say that running a business has never been so easy thanks to IT as well as to custom software. Programs designed specifically for the clients' needs allow to optimize processes, save time, reduce costs and solve problems that previously seemed impossible to overcome.

Project Development

A picture perfect example of an effective software engineering is a project which our team has recently developed for a large international client who operates in production of bearings, bushings and lubrication systems. The Quality Control Department struggled with ineffective staff training organization. High employee variability, changing procedures and dependencies between training sessions required a system that would enable simple and transparent management of complicated processes.

Focus on the Process

Following the order approval, our IT team members created a service called Training Workflow. In a nutshell, it allows the customer to update or create documents on procedures and training. The user can define the stages of document approval and indicate the training required for a given position. The system sends notifications to employees and their supervisors about the documents that must be read and practice that must be completed. Each employee is provided with a personalized link to a document or instruction. After completing the tasks, the system sends a questionnaire or test to verify the acquired knowledge. The training tutor can easily and quickly record the employee's presence by scanning his QR code placed on the badge.


Thanks to the new system, the Quality Control Department monitors all training documents in circulation and the training progress of each employee. The customer  has access to feedback and can also simply generate new procedures and training flow. The latest technologies applied in the development of the program make it user-friendly and fully generic. Client can modify the operation of the system without any programming knowledge just by using a simple graphic interface.

The Best Team

On the whole, thanks to modern technology the Quality Control Department became the best organized unit in the company. The enormous amount of saved time inspired subsequent departments to employ contemporary solutions and effectively enhance their workflow.

Why Companies Outsource Software Development?

Software development outsourcing company

Companies opt to outsource software development for a multitude of reasons. One of the foremost factors is cost-efficiency. Outsourcing allows companies to access skilled talent and expertise from around the world, often at a lower cost compared to hiring and maintaining an in-house team. Additionally, outsourcing provides access to specialized skills and technologies that might not be readily available internally, thus enhancing the quality and innovation of the final product. Time-to-market is another crucial consideration; outsourcing accelerates development cycles, enabling businesses to bring their products to market faster. This approach also grants companies the flexibility to scale resources up or down according to project requirements, optimizing resource allocation. By outsourcing software development, companies can concentrate on their core competencies while leaving the technical aspects to experienced software engineers, leading to increased productivity and a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

The Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing

Software development outsourcing offers numerous benefits to companies looking to build and maintain high-quality digital solutions. One of the primary advantages is cost savings. Outsourcing software development allows companies to tap into a global talent pool, often in regions with lower labor costs, reducing expenses associated with in-house development. Moreover, outsourcing grants access to a diverse range of skills software developers and expertise that might not be readily available internally. This leads to accelerated development cycles and improved time-to-market for products.

Outsourcing provides flexibility in scaling development resources according to project demands, mitigating the challenges of resource allocation and management. Collaborating with external teams can also bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table, enhancing the overall quality and creativity of the end product. Outsourcing can enable companies to focus on their core competencies while leaving software development to experts, resulting in optimized efficiency and productivity.

Software Development Outsourcing Models

In the dynamic landscape of software development, companies often find themselves facing the dilemma of resource constraints and escalating project demands. In such scenarios, outsourcing software development has emerged as a strategic approach to efficiently manage projects, tap into specialized expertise, and control costs. Various outsourcing models have evolved over time, each offering unique advantages and considerations.

Traditional Outsourcing Model

The traditional outsourcing model involves contracting an external software outsourcing company or service provider to undertake specific aspects or the entirety of a software development project. This model is characterized by its clear division of labor and responsibilities. Companies typically engage with outsourcing vendors based on project specifications, and the vendor handles the development process, often providing comprehensive solutions from design to deployment.

Advantages of the traditional model include access to a wider pool of technical expertise, reduced time-to-market, and the ability to focus internal resources on core competencies. Additionally, outsourcing can lead to cost savings due to reduced overhead and infrastructure requirements. However, potential drawbacks include communication challenges and cultural differences.

Dedicated Teams

The dedicated team model is an intermediary approach that provides more control and flexibility than the traditional model. In this model, companies establish a team of remote developers and other professionals who work exclusively on their projects. This setup allows for greater collaboration, transparency, and customization as the company can actively manage the team's priorities and workflow.

One of the significant advantages of the dedicated team model is the seamless integration of remote team members with in-house team. The model also permits real-time communication and adaptability, facilitating quick responses to changing project requirements. Nonetheless, challenges related to project management and accountability might arise if there is not enough oversight and coordination.

Choose the Outsourcing Model That Works for You

Selecting the appropriate outsourcing model is a pivotal decision that significantly influences the success of your project. Each outsourcing model has its advantages and challenges, and the choice depends on factors like project complexity, required expertise, budget constraints, and your preferred level of control.

Factors to Consider:

  • Project Complexity: For complex projects, traditional outsourcing or dedicated teams might be more suitable, as they provide better control and coordination.
  • Budget: If you're looking to optimize costs, freelancing might be a viable option for smaller tasks, while dedicated teams might offer better value for longer-term projects.
  • Required Expertise: Depending on the technical requirements of your project, some models may offer access to specific skills more effectively.
  • Communication Needs: Consider the level of communication and collaboration required. If regular interaction is crucial, a dedicated team model might be preferable.
  • Timeline: The urgency of your project can impact the choice of model. Freelancers can be quickly hired for short-term needs, while traditional outsourcing and dedicated teams might take more time to set up.

Choosing the right outsourcing model involves a careful assessment of your project's requirements, budget, timeline, and your preferred level of control. Evaluate the pros and cons of each model in relation to your project's unique needs to make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and maximizes the chances of project success.

Access to Superior Tech Talents Worldwide

Software developer Outsourcing enables companies to tap into a global talent pool, transcending geographical boundaries and time zones. With the rise of digital platforms and communication tools, companies can collaborate with experts from different parts of the world without being limited by physical proximity. This expansive reach opens up opportunities to work with individuals who possess specialized skills and expertise that may not be readily available locally.

Outsourcing Software Development Step-By-Step

Outsourcing software development process has become a popular strategy for businesses to access specialized skills, accelerate project timelines, and control costs. To ensure a successful outsourcing experience, a systematic approach is essential. This step-by-step guide outlines the key stages of outsourcing software development. 1. Define Project Scope and Requirements

Begin by clearly defining the scope of your project and outlining the specific requirements. This includes detailing the functionalities, features, and goals of the software. The more precise and comprehensive your project specifications are, the easier it will be to communicate expectations to potential outsourcing partners.

2. Choose the Outsourcing Model

Decide on the outsourcing model that best suits your project's needs. Options include the traditional outsourcing model, dedicated teams, or hiring freelancers. Consider factors like project complexity, required skill sets, budget constraints, and your preferred level of control and communication.

3. Research and Shortlist Outsourcing Partners

Research and identify potential outsourcing partners that have a proven track record in software development and align with your project requirements. Look for companies or individuals with relevant expertise, strong portfolios, and positive client testimonials. Platforms like Clutch can help you find potential partners.

4. Evaluate Proposals and Conduct Interviews

Request proposals from the shortlisted software development outsourcing companies. Evaluate their proposals based on factors like technical expertise, project approach, estimated timelines, and pricing. Conduct interviews to discuss the project in-depth, assess their communication skills, and ensure they understand your project's intricacies.

5. Due Diligence

Perform due diligence on the selected outsourcing partner. Check their credentials, review their past projects, and verify their reputation through online reviews and references. Assess their ability to meet deadlines, maintain quality standards, and handle potential challenges.

6. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Effective communication is essential for successful outsourcing. Establish clear channels of communication and set expectations for regular updates, progress reports, and meetings. Utilize communication tools like video conferencing, project management software, and messaging platforms to stay connected.

7. Draft a Comprehensive Agreement

Create a detailed contract or agreement that outlines project milestones, deliverables, timelines, payment terms, intellectual property rights, confidentiality clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms. This legally binding document helps safeguard both parties' interests and ensures a clear understanding of project expectations.

8. Monitor Progress and Collaboration

Regularly monitor the progress of the project and maintain an open line of communication with the outsourcing team. Use project management tools, e.g. Jira, to track tasks, milestones, and deadlines. Encourage collaboration and provide constructive feedback to ensure alignment with your project vision.

9. Quality Assurance and Testing

Prioritize quality assurance and testing throughout the development process. Establish testing criteria, conduct thorough testing, and address any bugs or issues promptly. Ensure that the software meets the defined requirements and is user-friendly.

10. Deployment and Support

Once the software development is complete and thoroughly tested, deploy the software in the intended environment. Provide necessary documentation and training to end-users if required. Additionally, ensure that the outsourcing partner offers post-deployment support and maintenance to address any unforeseen issues.

11. Evaluate and Learn

After the project's completion, evaluate the outsourcing experience. Assess the project's success, the quality of the deliverables, and the overall collaboration process. Identify areas for improvement and apply these lessons to future outsourcing endeavors.

Key Takeaways on Outsourcing Software Development Companies

Outsourcing software development has become a strategic approach for businesses seeking to access specialized skills, enhance efficiency, and control costs. When considering outsourcing software development companies, several important takeaways should be kept in mind:

Expertise and Skill Diversity:

Outsourcing software development companies offer a diverse range of expertise. They often have teams of skilled professionals with experience in various technologies, domains, and industries. This diversity allows businesses to tap into specialized knowledge and skills that may not be readily available in-house.

Faster Time-to-Market:

Outsourcing software development can accelerate project timelines. Established outsourcing companies have streamlined processes, experienced teams, and the infrastructure in place to begin development promptly. This agility can help businesses launch products faster and gain a competitive edge.

Cost Efficiency:

Cost savings are a significant driver for outsourcing. By outsourcing to regions with lower labor costs, businesses can often access top talent at a fraction of the cost compared to hiring in-house teams. This cost efficiency extends to reduced infrastructure and operational expenses.

Flexibility and Scalability:

Outsourcing offers flexibility in team size and resource allocation. Businesses can quickly scale up or down based on project demands without the long-term commitments associated with hiring full-time employees. This adaptability is particularly valuable for projects with fluctuating workloads.

Access to Modern Technologies:

Outsourcing software development companies stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. Engaging them allows businesses to leverage cutting-edge tools and practices without having to invest extensively in training or research.

Focus on Core Competencies:

Outsourcing non-core software development activities lets businesses focus their internal resources on core competencies and strategic initiatives. This alignment with core functions can lead to improved overall efficiency and innovation.

Risk Mitigation:

Well-established outsourcing companies often have experience managing risks associated with software development projects. They can provide insights, best practices, and contingency plans to mitigate potential challenges and ensure project success.

Quality Assurance:

Reputable outsourcing software development companies prioritize quality assurance. They implement rigorous testing processes, adhere to industry standards, and ensure that deliverables meet the specified requirements and standards.

Communication and Collaboration:

Effective communication is essential when working with outsourcing partners. Businesses should establish clear communication channels, define expectations, and maintain regular updates to foster collaboration and transparency.

Cultural Considerations:

For businesses engaging with offshore outsourcing companies, understanding and respecting cultural differences is crucial. Cultural sensitivity can enhance collaboration and prevent miscommunications that may arise due to language or cultural nuances.

Intellectual Property Protection:

Contracts and agreements should explicitly address intellectual property rights to ensure that the developed software and associated assets belong to the business. Legal clarity prevents disputes and ensures that businesses retain ownership of their innovations.

Research and Due Diligence:

Thorough research and due diligence are paramount when selecting an outsourcing partner. Investigate their portfolio, client testimonials, industry reputation, and adherence to security and compliance standards.

Bespoke Digital Solutions

Software can be used to refine the production process of car parts, to support and accelerate performance in the medical sector or to automate sales and orders in online stores. One thing is certain - when you turn to a good Software House, you don't need to have a ready-made idea to solve the your company problems. It is enough to present what effect you wish to achieve and our dedicated team of software engineers and business analysts will surely find the best solution for you.

Making Everyday Life Easier

Only in the last two years, our software development team managed to successfully upgrade the work of banking systems, reduced time and production costs in one of the largest logistics companies. We also created software model to support elderly people struggling with health problems. The app development aimed at improvement of patient - doctor contact and reduction of the hospitalization number caused by prolonged waiting time for a doctor's appointment. It is fair to say that quality software is a must for companies from every walk of life.

In conclusion, outsourcing software development companies offer numerous benefits, including expertise, cost efficiency, flexibility, and access to modern technologies. However, successful outsourcing requires careful planning, clear communication, and a strong partnership between the business and the outsourcing provider. By leveraging these takeaways, businesses can make informed decisions and harness the potential of outsourcing for their software development projects.


In the fast-paced world of technology, staying ahead requires businesses to not only keep up with the latest innovations but also to harness the power of specialized expertise. Companies offering outsourcing services have emerged as a dynamic strategy to achieve these goals, offering a pathway to efficiency, agility, and growth. By following a structured approach and understanding the nuances of outsourcing, businesses can reap substantial benefits and drive their ventures to new heights.

When navigating the realm of outsourcing, it's essential to begin with a clear vision of your project's objectives. Defining your goals and requirements lays the foundation for effective communication with potential outsourcing partners. As the global talent landscape continues to expand, the choice of outsourcing model becomes pivotal. Whether you opt for traditional outsourcing, dedicated teams, or tapping into the freelance marketplace, your decision should be rooted in your project's complexity, budget, and desired level of control.

The heart of successful outsourcing lies in the cultivation of collaborative partnerships. Choosing the right software development company, based on thorough research and due diligence, ensures that you are working with a team that aligns with your vision and values. Clear communication channels, well-defined expectations, and robust project management practices foster seamless collaboration, mitigating risks and ensuring that projects stay on track.

Outsourcing is not just about cost savings; it is a strategic move to access expertise that accelerates innovation. It is about focusing your internal resources on core competencies and propelling your business to the forefront of your industry. As your software development project progresses, maintaining a proactive approach, continuous evaluation, and an openness to learning will enable you to fine-tune your outsourcing strategy for optimal results.

In an interconnected world where boundaries are no longer barriers, outsourcing software development empowers businesses to tap into a global pool of talent, leverage cutting-edge technologies, and achieve breakthroughs that drive success. The journey of outsourcing is not only about software development; it is a journey of transformation that empowers businesses to adapt, innovate, and thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. As you embark on this journey, armed with knowledge and strategy, you have the potential to not only boost your business but also to shape the future of your industry.

Last updated: Tue, August 29, 2023

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